The much-awaited trailer of the thought-provoking film “Lavaaste” launched on 13th May, 2023, has hooked the audience with its compelling story and socially relevant plot. The event saw the presence of acclaimed actors Omkar Kapoor, Manoj Joshi, Kurush Debu, Gulshan Pandey, director Sudish Kanojia, producer Aditya Verma, co-producer Rohandeep Singh and other eminent personalities from the film industry. The trailer launch marked an important milestone in the journey of this extraordinary film, which has garnered wide acclaim and generated immense curiosity among film enthusiasts.
Presented by Adiv Productions Pvt Ltd, “Lavaaste” is the poignant story of Satyansh, a B.Tech graduate, who finds himself immersed in the challenging task of handling unclaimed dead bodies. However, the film goes beyond Satyansh and his family, which goes deep into heart-wrenching stories of deceased persons who, despite having heirs, remain unclaimed. This emotionally charged tale throws light on a tragedy that is often overlooked in our society – the plight of unclaimed dead bodies. “Lavaste” aims to draw attention to this latent suffering and unite audiences in recognizing the urgency of addressing this pressing issue.
During the trailer launch, producer Aditya Verma from Adive Productions and co-producer Rohandeep Singh from Jumping Tomatoes expressed their unwavering faith in the film’s potential to make a deep impact. He stresses the importance of “Lavaste”, which explores the specific situations surrounding unclaimed bodies. The film confronts the unfortunate reality of people who, after having children, have no one to claim their bodies after their death. The film seeks to shed light on these profound social challenges and encourage meaningful discussions about an often neglected aspect of our community.
The inclusion of Iqbal Mamdani, who has first-hand experience of collecting unclaimed dead bodies in Mumbai, adds an authentic touch to the film, further enriching its plot and enhancing its impact.
Noted actor Omkar Kapoor was full of enthusiasm and shared his long-standing desire to play a role like “Lavaaste”. He acknowledged the important role played by the director, producer and writers in creating a film that combines entertainment with an important social cause. Omkar Kapoor expressed confidence that “Lavaaste” will captivate the audience with its compelling content, leave a lasting impression and impart a valuable social lesson.
Directed by Sudish Kanojia and produced by Aditya Verma and Rohandeep Singh, “Lavaaste” promises to be a thought-provoking cinematic experience that goes beyond conventional entertainment. The film goes deep into the core of social realities, while providing a fresh perspective on the importance of addressing the issue of unclaimed dead bodies. “LaVaste” seeks to encourage discussions and raise awareness about this serious issue, thereby engaging the audience on multiple levels.
In line with their commitment towards social causes, the makers have announced that 10% of the film’s profits will be donated to a worthy cause related to bodies picking up organizations that are committed to creating a positive impact through cinema. Dedication is an example.
“Lavaste” is scheduled to appear in theaters on May 26, 2023, and the wait for its release continues. As the film industry increasingly adopts content-driven narratives, “Lavaaste” stands out as a star-studded production that blends social relevance with compelling storytelling. Viewers can expect a cinematic masterpiece that shines a light on the human experience and resonates long after the final credits roll.
Watch the trailer of Lavaaste: