Cuttack: Actress Varsha Priyadarshini has filed a petition with Orissa High Court seeking orders to stop ‘fake and hate campaigns’ against her on social media. She has made her husband Anubhav Mohanty, Odisha government and the I&B Ministry parties in her petition.
Meanwhile, her husband and Kendrapara MP Anubhav has shared his 4th video in a row.
Marital discord between Ollywood celebrity–Varsha Priyadarshini and Anubhav Mohanty on Wednesday took a different turn after the former lodged a complaint with the Cuttack cyber police against her husband.
In her complaint, the actress alleged that Kendrapara MP Anubhav Mohanty attempted to malign her image on social media.
According to reports, the Police are said to have registered a case under IPC 509 and IT Act in connection with the matter.
In response to her FIR, the actor-turned-politician, in a social media post, accused the actress of owning the fan pages and posting whatever she wishes. And, also accused her of praising herself, and abusing, insulting and harassing whoever she wants to.
Reiterating the three challenges he put before the actress, Anubhav asked Varsha why she is shying away from accepting the challenge to go for a medical test, polygraph test and forensic lab test to prove her innocence.