New Delhi: In a latest update to the Shahbad Dairy murder case, Delhi police has recovered the murder weapon used by the accused to kill a 16-year-old girl on Sunday evening (May 28). Speaking to the media, Ravi Kumar Singh, DCP Outer North, confirmed that the knife used by accused Sahil for committing the crime has been recovered by Delhi Police.
Meanwhile, the custody of the accused was extended for three more days by the court on Thursday. He was again questioned and on his instance, the weapon of offense was recovered, the officer added.
Further, the official said Sahil was cross-questioned as he frequently changed his statements.
The three friends of the victim – Bhawna, Ajay alias Jhabru and Neetu were also individually questioned in connection with the case.
The officer said the route taken by the accused while fleeing the crime scene had been established.