New Delhi: Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan shared a new still of Deepika Padukone from his upcoming film Pathaan. Earlier, the first still of Deepika Padukone in a golden monokini from a new song from Pathaan was released, the internet has been literally set on fire.
Taking to Instagram, Shah Rukh Khan Shared the picture and wrote: “Mirror mirror on the wall, she’s the most glamorous of them all! #BesharamRang song dropping on 12th Dec at 11 AM - Celebrate #Pathaan with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January, 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.”
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Apart from Pathaan, Shah Rukh will also be seen in his upcoming film Dunki, directed by Rajkumar Hirani. He also has Atlee’s Jawan in the pipeline alongside Nayanthara.