New Delhi: The President of India, Droupadi Murmu on Thursday, honoured the renowned sand artist Padma Shri Sudarsan Pattnaik in Delhi for securing the Golden Sand Master Award at the International Sand Sculpture Championship in St. Petersburg, Russia, for his Shree Jagannath sculpture.
Pattnaik’s creation was a 12-foot Sand Chariot featuring Mahaprabhu Jagannath and his devotee Balaram Das, a poet from the 14th century. The Odia artist was awarded a gold medal for his sand art in St. Petersburg on July 12.
The championship, which took place from July 4 to 12, revolved around the theme of history, mythology, and fairy tales. It saw participation from 21 master sand sculptors worldwide, with Pattnaik as the only representative from India.
Expressing contentment over the meeting Padma Shri Pattnaik wrote on social media X, “It is a memorable day for me to meet Her Excellency Smt Droupadi Murmu President of India at Rastrapati Bhwan in New Delhi. Hon’ble Madam Congratulated me for winning the Golden sand master award with gold medal at the International sand sculpture championship held in St. Petersburg Russia.”z
It is a memorable day for me to meet Her Excellency Smt Droupadi Murmu President of India at Rastrapati Bhwan in New Delhi. Hon’ble Madam Congratulated me for winning the Golden sand master award with gold medal at the International sand sculpture championship held in St.…
— Sudarsan Pattnaik (@sudarsansand) July 25, 2024
Also Read: International Sand Artist Sudarsan Pattnaik Wins Golden Sand Master Award in Russia
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