New Delhi: Logitech has unveiled its gender-inclusive Aurora collection of gaming peripherals. The lineup includes the Logitech G735 wireless gaming headset, G715 wireless gaming keyboard, G713 gaming keyboard, and G705 wireless gaming mouse. The company has also launched eight new gaming accessories for this collection, including cloud-shaped palm rest, a cable charm, a heart-shaped carrying case, and more.
Logitech G735, G715, G713, G705 price, availability
The Logitech Aurora collection is available to pre-order on and will soon be available via global retailers. The Logitech G735 wireless gaming headset is priced at $229.99 (roughly Rs. 18,500).
Meanwhile, the Logitech G715 wireless keyboard and the G713 wired keyboards cost $199.99 (roughly Rs. 16,000) and $169.99 (roughly Rs. 14,000), respectively. Both models are mechanical keyboards that offer the option to pick tactile, clicky, or linear key switches. The Logitech G705 wireless gaming mouse costs $99.99 (roughly Rs. 8,000).
Logitech G735 Wireless Gaming Headset Specifications
The Logitech G735 sports a White Mist finish with RGB lighting. It is supposed to offer approximately 56 hours of battery backup with the lights off. This gaming headset is said to have a wireless range of up to 20 meters via the LightSpeed ​​USB receiver. It also supports Bluetooth connectivity. The Logitech G735 comes with 40mm audio drivers. It has a one-way boom microphone and comes with Blue Voice microphone technology which is supposed to allow gamers to modulate their voice. According to the company, they are designed to be comfortable for all gamers, including those with small head sizes.
Specifications and Features of Logitech G715, G713 Mechanical Gaming Keyboards
These are keyless mechanical gaming keyboards that offer gamers the option of tactile, clicky, and linear GX mechanical switches. Each of these switches has individual RGB lighting. Both keyboards include a Cloud-Soft palm rest for comfortable marathon gaming sessions. The Logitech G715 and G713 have multimedia keys as well as a volume roller. Additionally, the Logitech G715 supports LightSpeed ​​wireless and high-speed Bluetooth connectivity. This wireless keyboard is said to have a battery life of up to 30 hours.
G705 Wireless Gaming Mouse Specifications, Feature
The Logitech G705 Wireless Gaming Mouse sports a compact design to fit small hands. There are six programmable buttons, including thumb buttons and a top-mounted DPI toggle button. It has a gaming-grade sensor with a resolution of 100 to 8,200 DPI. The Logitech G705 supports LightSpeed ​​wireless and Bluetooth connectivity. It also sports LightSync RGB lighting. It is said to have a battery life of up to 40 hours and weighs around 85g.