Karnataka: The Karnataka High Court on Thursday issued a notice to the Centre over the recent decision of the Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) to reduce the NEET PG qualifying percentile to zero.
The division bench headed by Chief Justice Prasanna B. Varale and Justice Krishna S. Dixit issued notices and warned the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry, the MCC, and others.
Reportedly, over 13,000 seats in medical colleges nationwide remain vacant, even after two rounds of counseling. As a result, for the first time since the examination replaced all other medical entrance tests in 2017, Medical Counselling stated that the eligibility for the seats empty this year would be the zero percentile in the NEET PG exam.
According to the petitioner, the NEET PG exam’s cut-off percentile was 50 percent for ten years.
On September 20, 2023, a notice announcing the minimum 50 percent elimination was published. Any student who has attended NEET PG can receive a seat of his choosing after the MCC’s directive. If it does, the nation will transform into a factory for the production of physicians. The Supreme Court has reaffirmed time and time again that admission to PG programs should be based on merit. The petition claimed that the new order allows private medical colleges to lobby more.
The petitioner had argued that a directive should be issued for the MCC to reverse its decision. A candidate must receive 50% of the possible points in the NEET PG exams, according to the previous 50% cut-off regulations.