Mumbai: Maharashtra MP Navneet Rana was released from Byculla Jail on Thursday afternoon for a medical check-up. She was taken to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai for a medical check-up.
Earlier in the day, Mumbai’s Borivali Court issued the release order of Navneet Rana and her husband, Ravi Rana, MLA, who were arrested after they declared that they would recite Hanuman Chalisa outside Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray’s residence.
The legal process of furnishing Rs 50,000 each for the Rana couple’s surety amount has been completed in court.
On Wednesday, Navneet Rana, who was arrested on charges of sedition and promoting enmity, was shifted from the Byculla Jail to the JJ Hospital for her spondylosis treatment. Later she was taken back to the jail in the evening.
The couple was booked in two FIRs lodged on charges of sedition, promoting enmity, and assaulting a public servant to prevent discharge of duty.