Donning the director’s hat, Vidhu Vinod Chopra has indeed given the nation a gem of a cinematic wonder with ’12th Fail’. Having brought an immensely relatable and engaging narrative that appeals to the masses, the Vikrant Massey starrer garnered love and praise from the masses in abundance. While the film came as a treat for the audience, the way everyone accepted the film was indeed a bigger treat for the makers, and the director Vidhu Vinod Chopra has taken his time out to express his gratitude for all the love the people showered on the film.
The maker’s team took to their social media and shared a video of the director Vidhu Vinod Chopra in which he wished everyone a Happy Diwali and was seen thanking people for all their love, affection, and encouragement. The director also mentioned that he is very much overwhelmed after seeing such a phenomenal response from the audience that encourages him to work harder and harder.
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12th Fail, based on a true story, draws from the struggles of the millions of students who attempt the UPSC entrance exam. But at the same time, it goes beyond that one exam and encourages people to not lose heart in the face of failure and to restart. The film, directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, is now released in cinemas in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.