The Ministry has issued directions to Coastal States and Union Territories for incorporation of Shoreline Management Plan in CZMP. National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM), an organization under MoEFCC and NCCR is providing technical support to coastal States for implementation of coastal protection measures at vulnerable stretches and also involved in the preparation of Shoreline Management Plans.
Further, MoEFCC has delineated the hazard line for the entire coast of the country. The hazard line is to be used by agencies in Coastal States as a tool for Disaster Management including planning of adaptive and mitigation measures.
The hazard line features in the CZMP of the coastal States and Union territories are approved by the MoEFCC.
The Coastal Protection Projects are planned and executed by respective maritime States and UTs. The Central Government’s role is largely advisory, technical support and catalytic in nature.
These projects are generally funded by States and UTs from their own fund or from multilateral funding or through Central Assistance. In some cases, the Government of India has facilitated multilateral funding to States/ UTs in tackling the coastal erosion, the Union Minister concluded.