Bhubaneswar: The Biju Janata Dal on Saturday urged the Chief Electoral Officer, Odisha for immediate arrest of BJP Khordha MLA candidate Prasanta Jagadev for smashing EVMs, assaulting Presiding Officer and Polling agents in a polling booth bearing booth number 114 in Rajasunakhala near Kaunriapatna of the Bolagarh-Begunia Assembly constituency in Bolgarh today.
Apprising the CEO, Odisha about the incident involving BJP Khordha MLA candidate Prasanta Jagadev, the BJD alleged that in the afternoon of May 25, Jagadev forcibly entered polling booth number 114 in Rajasunakhala near Kaunriapatna within the Bolagarh-Begunia Assembly constituency in Bolagarh.
“During his intrusion, he damaged the EVM machine, physically assaulted the Presiding Officer and the Polling agents, and subsequently fled the scene, the BJD stated in its memorandum.
“Jagadev’s escape was facilitated by Odisha BJP MP candidate for Bhubaneswar, Smt. Aparajita Sarangi. She assisted in his getaway by providing her vehicle for his escape towards Khurda. However, the police promptly chased the vehicle, successfully intercepted it, and detained Shri. Prashant Jagadev at Bolagarh police station,” it added.
The BJD also submitted memorandums to both the Central General Election Observer and the Central Police Election Observer regarding the incident and demanded the immediate arrest of Prasanta Jagadev.
Shedding light on the events, the ruling party urged the CEO to take immediate and stringent action against Prashant Jagadev to ensure his arrest further stating that “such decisive action is necessary to uphold the integrity of the electoral process and guarantee a free and fair election in the state”.
Responding to media queries about the incident during a press briefing on the status of third phase elections in Odisha, Chief Electoral Officer Nikunja Bihari Dhal said: As for the incident, Chief Electoral Officer, Nikunja Bihari Dhal said, “I spoke to the SP about it. He (MLA) has been taken into police custody. Police are waiting for the FIR. Appropriate action will be taken after an FIR is lodged and taking inputs from the sector officer and the presiding officer of the booth. The law will definitely take its own course.”