New Delhi: Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) MP Manoj Tiwari on Tuesday said he has tested positive for COVID-19. This is the second time he tested positive for coronavirus infection.
Taking to Twitter, the BJP MP said: “Could not attend the Uttarakhand-Rudrapur campaigning yesterday as I was not feeling well from January 2 night. I have tested positive for Covid-19. Taking precautions, I had isolated myself yesterday only.
“Please take care of yourselves and your family.” the tweet added.
परसों (2 Jan) रात से ही अस्वस्थ महसूस कर रहा था।हल्का बुखार और ज़ुकाम होने के कारण कल उत्तराखंड – रूद्रपुर प्रचार में भी नहीं जा पाया था..टेस्ट में आज पॉज़िटिव आया हूँ..
सतर्कता बरतते हुए अपने आप को कल ही isolate कर लिया था.
कृपया अपना और अपने परिवार का ध्यान रखें ?— Manoj Tiwari ?? (@ManojTiwariMP) January 4, 2022
According to his staff members, the BJP MP has tested positive for COVID-19 second time, earlier he had tested positive during the second wave of coronavirus pandemic in April 2021.