Bhubaneswar: As per the direction of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Secretary to CM (5T) V.K. Pandian and CMO officials visited all 30 Districts over the last six months to review the progress of various developmental works in the districts and hold Public Grievance Meetings.
A total of 57,085 Grievances have been received during the district public grievance meetings out of which 37,513 have been disposed of till now (65.71%). Pandian reviewed the progress with all the district collectors today. He asked the Collectors to ensure personal attention towards disposal of the public grievances. It was informed that 24,722 letters have been written to the petitioners regarding their grievance redressal and 22,407 phone calls were also made in this regard.
Pandian appreciated the collectors for their pro-active and sensitive approach to resolving these grievances. He also reviewed the Drinking Water Issues and electricity-related issues and directed to resolve them on priority.
He reviewed the progress of various important projects that have been sanctioned after the CMO district visit, and the progress of various Educational Institutions and Religious/Community projects sanctioned under CMSA and asked the Collectors to ensure the completion within the timeline. He emphasised that the community should be closely involved from the conception to the completion stage.
During the execution of various projects that have been recently sanctioned by Chief Ministers Special Assistance (CMSA) and other schemes, he asked the Collectors to ensure the implementation of the 5T principles. Under Transparency – all sanctioned projects should have a project pillar and information board, pre-execution photo, during execution and post-execution photo; Team Work – involvement of the community at all stages – conception, sanction and implementation; Time – execution as per the project timelines with emphasis on quality; Technology – to speed up the work all leading to Transformation.
Pandian also discussed various issues being faced by the districts and gave them suggestions on how to proceed towards resolving the grievances. He told collectors that lon pending legacy issues relating to land like Gramkantha poramboke etc. should be followed up closely and resolved in a timeframe to benefit people.
He also mentioned that all the colleges that have been taken up under the 5T College Transformation Initiative and will be doing good work will again be given further funds in the next phase. All the district collectors and senior CMO officials were present during the meeting.