Chennai: Tamil actor and former Bigg Boss contestant Harish Kalyan is all set to tie the knot with his love of life Namrada Udayakumar. On the auspicious day of Dussehra, the actor shared some romantic pictures with his ladylove as he shared the big news.
Taking to Twitter, the actor said, “With all my heart, for all my life. I’m extremely happy to introduce Narmada Udayakumar, my wife-to-be. Love you to bits. With God’s blessings, as we begin our forever, we seek to double the love from you all, now and always.”
With all my heart, for all my life ❤️
Im extremely happy to introduce ??????? ??????????, my wife-to-be. Love you to bits ?❤️
With God’s blessings, as we begin our forever, we seek double the love from you all, now & always
— Harish Kalyan (@iamharishkalyan) October 5, 2022
Harish’s note read, “I have been fortunate enough to have experienced the gift of unconditional love and affection all through my life. Right from my childhood, where my parents encouraged every little dream of mine, and now where you all, have shown me so much love and support; each of you that helped me imprint my little steps in the world of Cinema. Sharing every success and milestone with you has been the most satisfying part of my journey.”
“And now, with a heart full of happiness, I am writing to share the joy of celebrating the start of an important journey in my personal life. With the blessings of our parents, families, friends from film fraternity and otherwise, media/press fraternity, my dear most fans and all well-wishers, I am delighted to announce my marriage with Narmada Udayakumar. As we embark on a new life journey to explore and reinvent ourselves together, we seek double the blessings and love from you all, now and always,” he added.