New Delhi: Hibiscus plants are renowned for their history of use in traditional remedies and folk medicine across the world. Not only these flowers can make a decorative addition to a garden or home, but they also have medicinal uses. Here are some benefits of the magical flower you must know about.
Lowers cholesterol
High levels of cholesterol, that clogs up your arteries, can shoot up your risk of heart disease. That’s why you need a hibiscus. Oral consumption of hibiscus flower extracts can lower total cholesterol levels by as much as twenty-two percent.
It also increases levels of HDL cholesterol a.k.a good cholesterol. It is the saponins that are present in the hibiscus that binds to cholesterol and prevent the body from absorbing them.
Improves hair growth
Crushed hibiscus leaves have been used as a soapy paste for hair wash since time immemorial. It promotes healthy hair growth and strengthens the hair. So, shampooing your hair with hibiscus seems like a great option if you are looking for the healthy growth of your mane.
Prevents skin cancer
You know how harmful the UV rays of the sun can be for your skin. Not only that but certain harmful chemicals are also known to promote skin cancer. Consuming hibiscus might just have a protective effect. Occasional application of hibiscus extract before exposure to UV rays can partly restore levels of protective enzymes that prevent cellular damage.