New Delhi: External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said on Thursday that two suspects one from Kenya and one from Azerbaijan have been detained in connection with the sensational killing of Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala and India is in close touch with local authorities.
Bagchi said that Sachin Thapan Bishnoi and Anmol Bishnoi, accused in the murder of the Punjabi singer, have been arrested. Sachin Thapan has been arrested in Azerbaijan and Anmol in Kenya.
Now the Indian Ministry of External Affairs is contacting the officials of both countries so that after completing the next legal process, both of them can be brought to India at the earliest.
Punjabi singer Sidhu Moose Wala was shot dead by assailants in Jawaharke village of Punjab’s Mansa district on May 29. The incident took place a day after his security was withdrawn by the Punjab police among 424 others.