New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan is seeking blessings at one temple after another before the release of Jawan on September 7. With only a few days to go for Jawan’s release, Shah Rukh visited the Sri Venkateshwara Swamy Temple in Tirupati on Tuesday. His daughter Suhana Khan and Jawan co-star Nayanthara joined him. Nayanthara’s husband, filmmaker Vignesh Shivan, was also seen with them.
Pictures and videos of Shah Rukh from Tirupati are already going viral after surfacing on social media on Tuesday morning. Shah Rukh prayed at the temple wearing a cream mundu, with a short kurta and matching stole with golden border.
The King keeping his princess safe 👑❤️😍🙏#ShahRukhKhan𓀠 keeps Suhana safe amidst the paparazzi as they seek blessings at Tirupati 🙏💯😍
.#shahrukhkhan #suhanakhan #srk #srkian #srkuniverse #trending #jawan #SRK𓃵 #ShahRukhKhan𓀠— Pinkvilla (@pinkvilla) September 5, 2023
SRK , offered prayers at Sri Venkateshwara Swamy in Tirupati 🙏🏻❤️
The most secular man on this planet 🇮🇳🙏🏻#ShahRukhKhan— 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐚 𝐘𝐚𝐠𝐚 (@yagaa__) September 5, 2023
He gave flying kisses to the devotees outside the temple, and expressed his gratitude with folded hands. Dressed in a white salwar-kameez, Suhana Khan held her father’s hand. Nayanthara and Vignesh were also dressed in white outfits for the temple visit.
Last month, Shah Rukh Khan was spotted visiting Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu and Kashmir amid tight security ahead of Jawan’s audio launch in Chennai. However, this was not his first visit to the temple. Previously, he had offered prayers at Vaishno Devi temple before Pathaan’s release in January this year.
A few weeks ago, SRK visited Vaishno Devi. A video showing the actor at the shrine, dressed in a hooded blue jacket and his face fully covered, was trending a great deal on social media. Officials of the Vaishno Devi shrine board, some policemen and personal staff of the superstar could be seen in the clip.