Bhubaneswar: In the latest development ST, SC, SEBC, OBC, Resident and Income certificates will be issued to Class-X students belonging to all schools or educational institutions coming under the purview of any administrative department.
The following guidelines have been issued in this regard:
- The Revenue Inspector (RI) of the locality shall make camp on a fixed date in each school before the summer vacation and distribute the application forms to the students belonging to 10th standard in presence of headmaster and class teacher. The application forms may be printed centrally by the district administration and the expenditure towards the same shall be met from the user fees.
- The students shall bring the filled in application forms along with requisite documents while coming to school after summer vacation which shall be countersigned by the headmaster of the school after due diligence.
- Â The Revenue Inspector shall visit the school during the month of July as per the programme and enquire into the genuineness of the particulars of the application forms in presence of headmaster and concerned class teacher.
- Â The Revenue Inspector shall collect all filled in application forms from the headmaster of the school and ensure their online filing through e-District portal. Thereafter, the applications shall be processed as per the existing procedure.
- Â The Revenue Inspector shall submit the verification/enquiry report to the Tehsildar/Additional Tehsildar wherever required.
- Â After disposal of applications, certificates shall be issued in favour of the eligible students by the concerned Tehsildar/Additional Tehsildar.
- The Revenue Inspector of the locality shall collect the certificates from Tehsils and handover the same to the students in presence of headmaster of the concerned school as per the programme.
- The entire process starting from distribution of application forms to handing over of the certificates shall be completed by 31st August of each year.