Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Higher Education Department on Tuesday extended the dateline for Common PG Entrance Test (CPET-2022) and e-admission into PG courses under SAMS for the academic session 2022-23.
As per the notification issued by the Department, applications for CPET-2022 were extended for five more days till July 17
The entrance test will commence from August 1 to 13.
The online Common Application Form (CAF) is available on the official website of the Student Academic Management System (SAMS) from June 27. The last date for applying for the entrance examination will be July 17.
While the first round provisional allotment of seats to candidates will be published at 4 pm on September 5, the second round provisional allotment of seats will be released at 12 pm on September 13.
The publication of provisional vacant seats will be made on the SAMS website on September 20.
The spot merit list will be published on September 23. The final selected spot merit list for admission will be published at 12 pm on September 28.