New Delhi: Nervous system is one of the most important and vital organ systems of the human body it is important to look after its well-being and keep it healthy. Know about the yoga postures that will help you to enhance and strengthen your nervous system if practiced regularly.
1. Viparita Karani Asana (Legs Up the Wall Pose)
Viparita Karani asana is said to be helpful in stimulating neurons. It also helps to provide strength to your shoulders and the upper body.
How To Do It:
- Lie flat on your back close to a wall.
- Squat your hips against the wall while bending your knees.
- Straighten up your legs and make sure that your hips are flat against the wall.
- Hold this position for about 3 minutes while concentrating on your breath.
2. Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Balasana is a posture that helps to ease up the digestion process. This yoga posture allows you to pause and concentrate on your breath. A child’s pose helps to stimulate the nervous system, ease the process of digestion and re-energise the whole body. It also helps to ease the symptoms of anxiety and provides comfort.
How To Do It:
- Kneel on the mat on the knees while keeping your back straight.
- Make sure that your knees are hip-distance apart.
- Lower your chest/ torso towards your thighs and bring your forehead close to the ground.
- Slide your hands back towards your knees alongside the legs so that your palms are facing up.
- Hold this pose for about 20-30 seconds while concentrating on your breath.
- Rise up and come back to the initial position.
3. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (The Bridge Pose)
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana helps in improving blood circulation, stretches the spine, neck, chest, and hips while providing strength to hamstrings, back, and buttocks. It also helps to calm the brain and central nervous system which elevates mild depression and anxiety.
How To Do It:
- Lie flat on your back and fold your knees.
- Make sure that your feet are placed hip-width apart and are close to the hips
- Place your hands on the floor so that they are parallel to your body and are facing downwards.
- Lift your body up the floor by lifting your pelvis by pushing your feet and lower back.
- Try to touch your chin to the chest without moving your head.
- Tighten up your hips and ensure that your thighs are parallel to each other.
- Take your torso as high as you can and hold this position for 30-50 seconds.
- Slowly release and get down to the initial position.
4. Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)
Tree pose is a balancing yoga posture that helps to improve the stability in legs. It helps you to make your breath smooth, mind calm and focus steady. Tree pose also helps to strengthen the tendon and ligaments of the feet while toning your legs and buttocks.
How to do it:
- Stand straight with your back upright.
- Balance on your right leg and slowly lift your left leg.
- Bend your left leg at the knee and place the left leg against the right thigh.
- Place your foot flat on the thigh so that your toes are pointing towards the ground.
- Join your hands in the prayer position in front of your chest.
- Lift your arms over your head while keeping your hands joint.
- Hold this position for a few seconds while taking deep breaths.
- Slowly lower your arms and bring your hands to the level of your chest.
- Place your left leg slowly on the ground.