New Delhi: Telegram has launched WebZ and WebK Web apps. The web apps bring Telegram’s mobile functionality to desktop users in a more polished interface and filled with features like animated stickers, chat folders, and a dark mode.
Telegram WebZ and WebK apps for desktop offer similar aesthetics, the difference is visible on the aspects front. Both versions include- include animations, stickers, chat folders, search and support dark mode. The Chats, All, Channels, and Work tabs are on the left with the search bar above them. On the right side, you will find the active conversation window above which the user’s information can be seen. The subtle difference that can be observed on both the web apps is that the WebZ gets less white space than the WebK version and support single-color wallpapers.
Telegram WebZ, WebK: How to use?
To use any of these web apps, you will have to install Telegram mobile app on your device. Once installed and logged in you can click either of these links or You will be prompted to log in using your mobile number, following which an OTP will be sent on your phone. Alternately, you can use the option to log in by scanning the QR code which you will find below the contact number field. Once scanned the code you will be able to access your Telegram account on the desktop.