New Delhi: RAPOO has launched a gaming mouse named VT30 in India. It is specially designed for game enthusiasts. The latest gaming accessory sports a high-resolution 6200 DPI optical scanner/tracking engine for the finest pointer movements on the screen. Read on to know more.
Pricing and availability:
The RAPOO VT30 optical gaming mouse can be purchased from and other online and offline stores at an affordable price of Rs. 2,999. It comes with a Limited Replacement Warranty of 2 Years from the date of purchase.
Features and specifications:
In terms of specification, the RAPOO VT30 comes with a high-resolution 6200 DPI optical scanner/tracking engine for the finest pointer movements on the screen. Using dedicated buttons, one can adjust the cursor’s movement in real-time with up to 7 modes (up to 220 inches/second) to match your requirements.
It is made of high-quality and lightweight ABS plastic. The RAPOO VT30 optical gaming mouse uses RGB LEDs which produces up to 16 million+ different colours that enable to boost your gaming mood besides adding to your room/machine aesthetic.
The RAPOO VT30 features 8 high-precision tactile buttons too. Each button is tested and guaranteed for 30 million clicks. The buttons include dedicated + and – controls for DPI, Forward, Back, Side and the usual three buttons for Left, Right and Center clicks.