Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently participated in a podcast hosted by entrepreneur Nikhil Kamath, co-founder of Zerodha. The podcast, part of Kamath’s popular series “People By WTF,” features in-depth conversations with prominent figures from various fields.
In a teaser released by Kamath, Modi can be heard speaking candidly about his approach to leadership and the importance of staying grounded. “I am human, not God. Mistakes happen, and we learn from them,” Modi remarked, highlighting his humility and willingness to grow from experiences.
The podcast episode has generated significant interest, with many eagerly awaiting its release. Modi’s participation underscores the growing trend of political leaders engaging with the public through modern digital platforms.
Kamath expressed his excitement about having the Prime Minister on his show, stating, “It was an honor to have such an insightful conversation with Prime Minister Modi. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as we enjoyed creating it.”
The episode is set to be released on various streaming platforms, promising to be a compelling listen for audiences across the country.