Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Vigilance on Friday apprehended the Assistant Sub-Inspector of Police, Janhapanka Police Out Post, Madan Mohan Pradhan while taking bribe of Rs.15,000 from a complainant in Boudh district on Friday.
According to Vigilance, ASI Madan Mohan Pradhan of Janhapanka Police Out Post under Boudh PS has been apprehended while demanding and accepting bribe of Rs.15,000 from a person (on whose complaint a case was registered in Boudh PS) in order to attach strong sections of the law to strengthen the evidence of the case, of which he was the Investigating Officer.
The entire bribe money has been recovered from the exclusive possession of accused Sri Pradhan, ASI. Following the trap, simultaneous searches are going on at two locations of Sri Pradhan from DA angle, the Vigilance added.
In this connection, Berhampur Vigilance P.S. Case No.27/2022 U/s 7 P.C.(Amendment) Act, 2018 has been registered. An investigation is in progress against the accused ASI.