New Delhi: The petrol and diesel prices witnessed another 80-paise hike per litre on Friday, third increase in four days. Petrol and diesel have seen an overall increase of ₹2.4 per litre after months-long hiatus as India’s top fuel retailers kept fuel prices on hold during elections in five states.
After the third hike, petrol and diesel are being sold in Delhi at ₹97.81 per litre and ₹89.07 per litre, respectively.
In Mumbai, the petrol and diesel prices per litre are at ₹112.51 and ₹96.70, an increase of 84 paise and 85 paise respectively.
Chennai saw a 76-paise increase in retail fuel prices, taking the cost of petrol and diesel at ₹103.67 and ₹93.71. In Kolkata, the price of petrol is at ₹106.34 (increased by 84 paise) and diesel is ₹91.42 (increased by 80 paise).
Since November last year, state-owned refining and marketing companies have together lost about $2.25 billion (about Rs 17,000 crore) in revenue on petrol and diesel due to non-revision of prices.