Sambalpur: The Excise officials seized over 1800 bottles of beer at Laxmi Dungri Chowk under Burla police station in Sambalpur district on Sunday and arrested three persons in this connection.
The accused persons have been identified as Manoj Dila (32) of Balijuri, Niroj Dalai (33) of Telgopada and Jitendra Saha (33) of Bishnumallik Pada. All hail from Sambalpur district.
As per the directions of the district Election Officer and Collector, Sambalpur, the OIC and his staff of Sambalpur-I Excise Station were performing patrolling duty on NH-53 at Laxmi Dungri Chowk. During the checking of vehicles, they found the beer bottles in the bolero pickup van bearing regd. no. OD-23F-2301. The driver Manoj Dila was detained.
The accused persons could not produce a license or any document in respect of transporting of huge quantity of beer. Hence he was held by the police. During interrogation, Manoj revealed the names of another two persons involved in the smuggling.
The pickup van along with the beer bottles was seized and the accused persons have been arrested.