New Delhi: The Oppo A77 was launched in India on Friday. The company’s latest mid-range smartphone features a Snapdragon 480 SoC, paired with 8GB of RAM. It sports a 90Hz display and comes equipped with a 50-megapixel AI dual rear camera setup. The smartphone packs a 5,000mAh battery with 33W SuperVooc fast charging support.
OPPO A77s price and availability
The OPPO A77s comes in an 8GB RAM + 128GB storage version only in India. It will be available for purchase for Rs 17,999, starting on October 7th, 2022. The A77s can be bought in Sunset Orange and Starry Black colours. Buyers can get the A77s with up to 10 percent cashback from leading banks through online and offline channels. Customers can benefit from offers like up to 6 months of no-cost EMI, other EMI plans, and zero down payment schemes.
OPPO A77s specifications and features
The OPPO A77s has a 6.56-inch IPS LCD panel that produces an HD+ resolution of 720 x 1,612 pixels, a 90Hz refresh rate, and a maximum brightness of up to 600 nits. The company claims the company’s waterdrop notch delivers an 89.9 percent screen-to-body ratio. The device boots into the ColorOS 12.1-based Android 12 OS. For security, it has a side-mounted fingerprint scanner.
Under the hood, the OPPO A77s has the Snapdragon 680 chipset along with 8GB of RAM. The device offers 128GB of internal storage and a microSD card slot for additional storage. The device comes with support for 33W SuperVOOC charging for its 5,000mAh battery. According to OPPO, it takes around 71 minutes for the device to achieve a full charge.
The OPPO A77s has an 8-megapixel selfie camera. The back panel of the device has a 50-megapixel main camera, a 2-megapixel mono lens, and an LED flash. The A77s offers other features like dual SIM support, VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 5.1, GPS, a USB Type-C port, dual stereo speakers with Dirac’s audio optimisation, and a 3.5mm headphone jack.