All insured farmers in Odisha affected by unseasonal rains will receive compensation, announced State Cooperation Minister Pradeep Bala Samanta on Thursday.
The Cooperation Minister stated that measures will be taken to ensure fair compensation for all insured farmers impacted by these weather events.
Minister Bal Samanta noted that insurance assistance will also be provided for post-harvest crop damage, in accordance with the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana. Farmers are eligible for insurance assistance if their harvested crop is damaged due to unseasonal rains within 14 days of harvest, while it is still bundled or drying on the threshing floor.
To facilitate this process, the cooperative department has advised farmers to report any losses through the “Krishi Rakshak Portal” or the “Krishi Raksha Helpline Number” 14447 within 72 hours of the loss.
Several regions in Odisha have recently experienced rainfall, which is expected to affect the harvest of Kharif crops for many farmers.