Bhubaneswar: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday reviewed the progress of 20 departments in provisioning Government business to Mission Shakti SHGs.
Secretaries of departments such as F&ARD, Energy, H&UD, Finance, FS&CW, A&FE, W&CD, PR &DW presented the progress made so far and action plan for next three years. Bank correspondents in every unbanked GP, running of Aahaar centres by SHGs, paddy procurement, THR production, pisciculture in GP tanks, Formation of Agriculture Producer Groups were some of the important SHG partnerships discussed.
The Chief Minister appreciated the F&ARD, Energy, H&UD, Finance, & FS&CW Departments for the initiatives taken so far to involve more SHGs and urged other departments to take immediate steps for further engagement and making the activities more remunerative.
While reviewing, Chief Minister stated that “Government sees engagement of Mission Shakti groups as a part of its commitment towards economic empowerment of women of Odisha. Let all our Interventions be designed keeping this in mind. Let every service provided by Government be seen from this angle and remuneration paid to the groups be reworked from this prospective”.
Mission Shakti has been a movement transforming lives of 70 lakh women organised into 6 lakh Self Help Groups across Odisha. Formation of Department of Mission Shakti in March 2021 has been a historic step towards strengthening the SHG initiatives already undertaken by different departments and agencies and bringing it all under one platform providing greater focus and synergy.
The Cabinet in its 1st meeting on 29.05.2019 approved the proposal on provisioning of Government Services & Procurements worth 5000 cr in 5 years through Mission Shakti SHGs. Mission Shakti has achieved impressive progress in providing business worth of Rs.1198 cr to 104712 SHGs generating income of Rs.296 cr during 2020-21 in convergence with different government departments.