In a dramatic turn of events, MP Pradeep Panigrahi has been acquitted of all fraud allegations in five high-profile cases, including the Tata Motors job fraud case. The Berhampur Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) court found insufficient evidence to convict Panigrahi, leading to his release.
Following his acquittal, Panigrahi made a bold statement, claiming that his removal from the party was politically motivated. “They removed me from the party, and the people of Odisha removed them,” he declared. With the Odia New Year approaching, Panigrahi has vowed to expose what he describes as a political conspiracy against him.
In a pointed accusation, Panigrahi named a senior IPS officer, alleging that the officer was rewarded with a promotion to Commissioner as a result of his arrest. “As a reward for my arrest, the concerned officer was made Commissioner,” Panigrahi stated.
The political landscape in Odisha is expected to heat up as Panigrahi prepares to reveal more details about the alleged conspiracy. His statements have already sparked significant public and media interest, setting the stage for a potentially explosive Odia New Year.