New Delhi: In the wake of the harrowing Manipur viral video incident, renowned activist Anna Hazare on Saturday (July 22) said that those who are accused in the Manipur viral video incident should be hanged.
In an effort to address the heinous act that shocked the nation, Hazare passionately labelled the incident as a “blot on humanity,” advocating for justice and accountability. On May 4, a distressing incident occurred in Kangpokpi district, Manipur, against the backdrop of violence, in which two women were paraded naked.
“A woman embodies the roles of mother and sister, and such heinous behaviour towards her is completely unacceptable. Subjecting one’s own wife to such treatment is a disgrace to humanity, especially for those who have fought for our country,” he was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.
Before being released, the two women are said to have been sexually assaulted. On Wednesday, a 26-second video of the horrific incident went viral, causing outrage among the political establishment and the general public.
The first arrest in connection with the incident was made the next day. A man was apprehended who was part of the mob that paraded the women in B. Phainom village and was seen dragging one of them. Later that day, three more arrests were made.
On Friday, these four people were remanded in police custody for an 11-day period.
One of the women in the video is the wife of a former army man who served as a subedar in the Assam Regiment and fought in the 1999 Kargil War.
Since ethnic violence erupted in the state on May 3, when a ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ was organised in the hill districts to protest the majority Meitei community’s demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status, more than 160 people have died and several have been injured.
Meiteis make up about 53 per cent of Manipur’s population and live mostly in the Imphal Valley, while tribals, including Nagas and Kukis, make up 40% and live mostly in the hill districts.