New Delhi: Hours after the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) gave its approval, the Pune-based Mylab Discovery Solutions is ready to roll out India’s first self-use Rapid test for Covid-19.
The test is developed in India and is named as CoviSelf.
ICMR has approved the self-test rapid antigen Covid-19 testing kit ‘Coviself’ developed by Mylab Solutions. Using the kit people can collect their own nasal swab and check results within minutes. This will immensely help in early and quick detection which is key to the treatment.
Last year, Mylab gave India its first RT-PCR test. The detection kit is priced at Rs 250. The company will start shipping out tests within a few days.
Mylab’s current production capacity is 70 lakh tests per week and plans to increase its capacity to 1 crore tests per week within 14 days. Now, any citizen can test for Covid-19 themselves, isolate and seek treatment quickly.