Mumbai: The first meeting of the Development Working Group (DWG) under India’s G20 Presidency is currently underway in Mumbai.
Members, Guest countries and invited International Organizations are attending the meeting in person.
The three-day Development Working Group meeting will focus on G20 collective actions for accelerating progress on the SDGs, and support to developing countries in dealing with immediate concerns relating to food, fuel and fertiliser security.
The first day of the meeting witnessed two side events on “Data for Development (D4D): Role of G20 in advancing the 2030 Agenda” and “Infusing new LiFE into Green Development”.
The D4D side event was organised in collaboration with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology (OSET), and United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The event was designed as a curtain-raiser for further deliberations on D4D that would take place in the Development Working Group under the Sherpa Track during India’s G20 Presidency.