New Delhi: Veteran actor Dharmendra dropped an unseen pic of himself before he became an actor. The veteran actor revealed that the black-and-white photograph was clicked by the original photographer, Jaan Mohammed for the 1958 talent contest. He ended up winning the contest, but the film he was supposed to debut in never got made.
Sharing the old black-and-white photograph on Twitter, he wrote, “A photo, which was still with Anwar ….grandson of Jaan Mohammed who clicked my photos for Filmfare talent contest…. …..Today Anwar came to meet me and showed this left out photo….. i grabbed it to show this to you all. Hope you like it.”
A photo , which was still with Anwar ….grandson of Jaan Mohammed who clicked my photos for Filmfare talent contest…. …..Today Anwar came to meet me and showed this left out photo….. i grabbed it to show this to you all. Hope you like it.
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) January 16, 2023
On the work front, the veteran actor was last seen in the Punjabi film Jora: The Second Chapter in 2020. He also had a special appearance in Shimla Mirchi which featured his wife Hema Malini. He will next be seen in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani in April 2023, alongside Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi.