Bengaluru: A day after an explosion at Bengaluru’s Rameshwaram Cafe, CCTV footage has emerged showing a man carrying a bag inside the cafe’s premises in the Whitefield area of the Karnataka capital. The suspect, according to the police, allegedly placed this bag in the cafe and then left before the blast took place. Another individual, who was seen along with the suspect, has been detained and is being questioned by the Bengaluru police.
The main suspect, his face hidden by a mask, glasses, and a cap on top of his head, was caught on cameras installed inside the cafe carrying a plate of idlis.
The blast, which took place between 12.50 pm and 1 pm on Friday, resulted in ten people sustaining injuries. The police have invoked stringent provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and the Explosive Substances Act in response to the attack.
Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar, who visited the blast site along with Home Minister G Parameshwara, provided crucial details about the sequence of events leading to the explosion. “The blast occurred at 1 pm. A young man of about 28-30 years came to the cafe, purchased Rava idli at the counter, placed the bag near a tree (adjacent to the cafe) and left. After one hour the blast took place,” Mr Shivakumar said.
The Central Crime Branch (CCB) has taken charge of the investigation, with multiple teams actively pursuing leads to identify the accused. State Police Chief Alok Mohan labeled the incident a “bomb blast” but assured the public that no one sustained serious injuries.