New Delhi: Apple launched Apple Watch Series 7 in the California streaming event alongside with iPhone 13 series and the new iPad series on Tuesday. It features a re-engineered Always-On Retina display with significantly more screen area and thinner borders, making it the largest and most advanced display ever. The new Apple Watch mannequin is the eighth iteration within the collection of smartwatches launched by the Cupertino big since its first era in 2015. The Apple Watch Series 7 comes as a big improvement over the final 12 months’ Series 6, together with a significant redesign.
Apple Watch Series 7 worth in India, availability particulars
The Apple Watch Series 7 GPS solely can be accessible at $399 (roughly Rs. 29,400) within the US, whereas the (*7*) choice begins at $499 (roughly Rs. 36,800). It can be accessible in 5 model-new aluminum case colors, together with Midnight, Starlight, Green, and a New Blue and (PRODUCT)RED.
Details in regards to the India pricing and availability of the Apple Watch Series 7 are yet to be introduced, although Apple stated that it could be accessible within the US later this fall.
The Apple Watch Series 6 was launched in India with a beginning worth of Rs. 40,900 for the GPS variant and Rs. 49,900 for the GPS + Cellular choice. It debuted within the US with the identical beginning worth of $399 that’s accessible with the Apple Watch Series 7.
Apple Watch Series 7 specifications, features
As an upgrade to the Apple Watch Series 6 that came in 40mm and 44mm sizes, the Apple Watch Series 7 comes in 41mm and 45mm case options. Apple has retained its always-on Retina display on the new Apple Watch that was available on the earlier models. However, there are improvements on the display are claimed to deliver up to 70 percent brighter results indoors than the Apple Watch Series 6.
Apple has designed the display of the Apple Watch Series 7 with 20 percent more screen area and thinner borders at just 1.7 mm. The latter are 40 percent smaller than those on the Apple Watch Series
The key USP of the Apple Watch product lineup is its health and fitness features. While Apple hasn’t provided any significant additions on that front, you’re getting most of the commonly available features to track your health and wellness while on the go. The Apple Watch Series 7 offers blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) tracking using a built-in Blood Oxygen sensor. It is also capable of tracking heart rate using an electrical heart rate sensor that was first introduced on the Apple Watch Series 4 and also available on the last-generation model. The smartwatch can also detect atrial fibrillation (AFib) and can provide an electrocardiogram (ECG) report.
Apple has provided watchOS 8 on the Apple Watch Series 7 out-of-the-box. The new operating system, which was unveiled at WWDC 2021 in June, comes preloaded with an upgraded Breathe app that is called Mindfulness to help enhance your wellness both physically and mentally.
The Apple Watch Series 7 is also capable of providing an enhanced sleep tracking, with features including sleeping respiration rate and sleep trends. Further, the new Apple Watch has two unique watch faces — Contour and Modular Duo — that animate dynamically on wrist raise.
With the larger display, the Apple Watch Series 7 also offers additional larger font sizes and a new QWERTY keyboard that can be tapped or swiped with QuickPath to let users slide a finger to type.
Apple claims that the Apple Watch Series 7 can last for up to 18 hours on a single charge. It is identical to the last year model. But nonetheless, Apple says that the new Apple Watch provides 33 percent faster charging.
The Apple Watch Series 7 comes with an IP6X-certified build that is meant for dust resistance. There is also the WR50 rating for water resistance. Moreover, the new Apple Watch is bundled with a Magnetic Fast Charger USB-C Cable and supports all Apple Watch wristbands that are designed for earlier models.