The All India Football Federation’s senior officials recently convened a virtual meeting on June 16, 2024. Chaired by AIFF Vice President Mr. NA Haris, the meeting was attended by Mr. Menla Ethenpa, Mr. Anilkumar Prabhakaran, Mr. IM Vijayan, Mr. Climax Lawrence, and Mr. M. Satyanarayan.
The meeting addressed the disappointing outcome of the Senior Men’s National Team’s FIFA World Cup 2026 qualification campaign and unanimously agreed to seek a new Head Coach to lead the team forward.
The Acting Secretary General, Mr. Satyanarayan, was tasked with informing the current Head Coach, Mr. Igor Stimac, of the decision to terminate his engagement.
Following this decision, the AIFF Secretariat issued a notice of termination to Mr. Stimac, relieving him of his duties with immediate effect.
The AIFF expressed its gratitude to Mr. Stimac for his service to the National Team and extended best wishes for his future endeavors.