Mumbai: Actor Shah Rukh Khan won the award in the Best Actor category at Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival Awards (DPIFF) 2024. He was honoured for his performance in Atlee’s directorial Jawan. In a video shared by a fan account, Shah Rukh said in his acceptance speech that he hadn’t received the Best Actor Award in a long time. He added that it seemed as if he “would not get it again”.
Shah Rukh said, “Shukriya sari jury member ka jinhone mujhko best actor ke liye layak samjha. Aur bahut saal ho gaye mujhe Best Actor ka award nahin mila toh aisa lagne laga tha ki ab milega hi nahin. Mujhe bahut khushi hai. Mujhe awards bahut ache lagte hai main thoda laalchi hu, greedy hu. Mere se zaada Vinod Chopra ko acche lagte hai. Hum dono share karlenge Vinod (I thank jury who considered me worthy of the Best Actor award. I have not received the Best Actor Award in a long time. It seemed as if I would not get it again. I am extremely happy. I like awards. I am a bit greedy. Vidhu Vinod Chopra likes it more than me. We will share it Vinod).”
The actor also expressed gratitude to the entire team of Jawan, “I am genuinely very thrilled and touched that people have recognized the work that I have put in. Work of an artist is not important all the people around him or her make everything come together…so a lot of people’s hard work is involved in making Jawan and helping me win this award. I promise I will keep working hard and entertain India and people who are living abroad…whether it takes me to dance, to fall, to fly, to romance, to be evil, to be a bad guy, to be a good guy. Inshallah, I will keep working hard.”