New Delhi: Fire-Boltt Call smartwatch has been announced in India. The upcoming smartwatch will support Bluetooth calling, as the name suggests. Fire-Boltt Call will sport a 1.7-inch HD touch display in a square dial. Read on to know more about the latest smartwatch
Fire-Boltt Call Specifications, Features
The Fire-Boltt Call will have a 1.7-inch HD display with a 360-degree view and UltiView display technology. FB1 Nanochip powers the smartwatch, which is to be an in-house Fire-Boltt SoC. However, more information on the processor is still lacking.
The smartwatch will allow Bluetooth calling and include an in-built microphone and speaker. It will also be able to save contacts, as well as have a rapid dial pad and call history. It would also provide notifications from various social media apps to consumers.
The silicone straps on the next Fire-Boltt Call will be available in seven colours: black, blue, green, grey, peach, red, and white, with a stainless steel buckle. More than 200 cloud-based watch faces will also be available for the smartwatch.
There are also seven sports modes in Fire-Boltt Call, including badminton, running, cycling, skipping, football, walking, and basketball. Fire-Boltt, like a smartwatch, will have health monitoring devices such as a blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) sensor, heart rate monitor, sleep monitor, and meditative breathing sensor.
The wristwatch will also give users menstrual reminders, sedentary reminders, hydration reminders, weather updates, an alarm, a timer, and a stopwatch. Users will also have access to a remote camera.