Mumbai: Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan on Saturday took the first dose of his COVID-19 vaccine. He also urged his fans to get vaccinated.
The 34-year-old star shared the update on his Instagram account with two new pictures of himself clicked at the vaccination centre. The actor also thanked the doctors for their help and assistance.
In the caption, Varun wrote, “#VACCINATED Thank u to the wonderful doctors. Don’t be a prick go get the prick.”
Apart from Varun, several Bollywood actors like Radhika Madan, Sonakshi Sinha, Pulkit Samrat, Alaya F, Radhika Apte have received the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.
On the work front, Varun was last seen in comedy-drama ‘Coolie No. 1’, co-starring Sara Ali Khan.