Mumbai: Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover have indeed buried the hatchet and reunited for a brand new show for Netflix. On Thursday, Kapil shared the promo for The Great Indian Kapil Show on social media, leaving fans excited to see him with Sunil once again. Archana Puran Singh, Kiku Sharda, Rajiv Thakur and Krushna Abhishek are also part of the show.
The logline for the new show suggests that it is a ‘variety chat show set in the bustling confines of an airport and features prominent celebrity guests every week.’ The new promo shows Kapil and his team brainstorming over how to announce their new show and whether unfurling a banner over Gateway of India could work. Rajiv, however, rains on their parade saying that getting Sunil for the show has really affected the budget for promotions. Sunil walks in in a suit and sunglasses, with the airs of a superstar.
Krushna Abhishek suggests that they should use ‘star-nephews’ to promote the show. Kapil let him know that the budget isn’t that bad either.