New Delhi: The makers of the ghostbuster film Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 have revealed the first look of Tabu. Tabu took to her social media handle to share her first look and wrote: A devil or an angel? Or somewhere in between… #BhoolBhulaiyaa2 releasing in cinemas on 20th May, 2022!
In the released 30-second clip, In the mirror, we see a door opening and soon after a ghostly figure appears with a scary laugh. We see a silhouette turning into a ghostly figure with curly hair, as Aami Je Tomar plays in the backdrop.
Earlier, we heard Manjulika’s “Ami Je Tomar” when we encountered Kartik’s ghostbuster. The Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 teaser was released earlier this month.
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 also stars Kartik Aaryan and Tabu in pivotal roles, and is directed by Anees Bazmee and produced by T-Series with Murad Khetani.