Mumbai: TV actor Shailesh Lodha, who played Taarak Mehta in the popular comedy show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasma, won a legal case against the producer Asit Modi. For those who don’t know, Lodha made an exit from the show after 14 years. India TV has learnt that Lodha filed a lawsuit against Modi for non-payment of dues and after winning the case the latter will pay him Rs 1.05 crore via demand draft. Lodha had reached the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) for clearance of his dues after the makers of the show failed to do so.
Asit Kumarr Modi hit the headlines earlier for all the wrong reasons. While Lodha charged him for his pending dues, the show actors Jennifer Mistry and Monika Bhadoriya accused Modi of sexual harassment. Mistry filed a police complaint against Modi, Executive Producer Jatin Bajaj, and, Project Head Sohail Ramani of sexual misconduct at the workplace.
On the professional front, Shailesh Lodha has worked in shows like Waah Waah, Kya Baat Hai, and Comedy Circus. He joined hands with Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmad in 2008 and quit the show after 14 years in April 2022. Lodha was replaced by Sachin Shroff as Taarak Mehta.