Mumbai: Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s big film Tiger 3 is slated to have a grand opening at the box office. As per the early estimates, the film has crossed the Rs 1 crore mark after advance booking opened up in limited cities in India. As per, the film has sold around 33,090 tickets and full-fledged bookings will start on Sunday.
The box office portal tweeted, “#Tiger3 Day 1 Advance crosses 1 Cr Gross in India.”
Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh has shared early estimates of advance booking. He posted, “#Xclusiv… Tiger 3 zabardast (wonderful) start #PVRInox: 7,500 tickets [Sun] sold #Delite – #Delhi: 2,800 tickets #Prasads – #Hyderabad: 1,470 [Sun] Other properties in #Hyderabad turn #Orange within hours [Sun].” “#Xclusiv… Toger 3 at national chains… Tickets sold for Sun [Day 1]… #Tiger3 advance bookings start off on a thunderous note. #PVRInox: 20,000 #Cinepolis: 3,800 Total: 23,800,” he added on Sunday morning.
“Imagine, full-fledged advance bookings are yet to start, but #Salmania is clearly evident. #Tiger3,” he further remarked. Tiger 3 shows start as early as 7 am. However, as per Bookmyshow, the earliest show can be seen at 6:05 AM for cities like Mumbai.