Cuttack: Police have initiated a high-level investigation into the mysterious death of two Russian tourists, including a lawmaker named Pavel Antov. As a part of the investigation, Crime Branch has asked the couple Turvo and Pan Senko, accompanying Pavel, to stay back and cooperate with the investigation.
Following this, the couple and tour guide Jitendra Singh have been shifted to Crime Branch headquarters in Cuttack.
Earlier, on Tuesday, the couple was brought to the Crime Branch office in Bhubaneswar from Rayagada district amid tight security.
Antov, stated to be a member of the legislative assembly of Vladimir Putin’s regime, was found in a pool of blood outside the same hotel on December 24.
The police are yet to ascertain whether Antov accidentally fell off the terrace of the hotel, or committed suicide. The cops are also looking into other angles of the two cases.
Local police said that they suspected it to be a suicide case as Antov was reportedly very depressed after his friend Vladimir’s death.
Vladimir and Antov were part of a four-member group of Russian tourists, who, along with their guide Jitendra Singh, had checked into the hotel in Rayagada town