Mumbai: The teaser of Ranbir Kapoor’s upcoming flick Shamshera was released on Friday. The film, which also stars Sanjay Dutt and Vani Kapoor, will release in theatres on July 22, announced the makers.
Sharing a minute-long teaser featuring the three stars, the makers announced, “A legend will rise on 22nd July! @yrf’s much-awaited big ticket spectacle #Shamshera starring superstar #RanbirKapoor @Vaaniofficial @duttsanjay is set to release at a theatre near you in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.”
The film, directed by Karan Malhotra is a period action drama film, which will apparently see Ranbir play double rolea as both the titular character and his son. The film also features Ashutosh Rana, Saurabh Shukla, and Ronit Roy.