New Delhi: Petrol and diesel prices went up to yet another record level across the country on Friday. In Delhi, petrol costs Rs 108.64 a litre, up by 35 paise while the rate of diesel was Rs 97.02 per litre, also costlier by 35 paise.
In Mumbai, petrol can be bought at Rs 114.47 per litre, higher by 33 paise and diesel costs Rs 105.49 for one litre, which is costlier by 37 paise.
In Chennai, a litre of petrol is priced at Rs 105.43, which is expensive by 30 paise. On Friday, the price of a litre of diesel was Rs 101.25 per litre, up by 34 paise.
Petrol in Kolkata costs Rs 109.12 per litre which is higher by 34 paise while diesel costs Rs 100.49 a litre, expensive by 35 paise.