Cuttack: A notorious criminal, identified as Deepak Nayak alias Shankar, a resident of Gopal Sahi in Rani Haat area, was arrested following an encounter with the police in Cuttack on Thursday night.
Shankar, sustained bullet injuries in his left leg in the encounter, has been admitted to SCB Medical College and Hospital in the city. The police recovered a pistol, ammunition and an auto-rickshaw from the spot.
He has over 10 cases pending against him at different police stations. He was also working as an associate of notorious gangster Dhalasamanta brothers.
Acting on a tip about the presence of Shankar in Bidanasi Bhuashuni Patha area, the special squad swooped down on the exact location. Seeing the police marching toward him, Shankar opened fire at the cops. In retaliation, the police too opened fire at him. In the gunfight, Shanakar received a bullet in his left leg following which he was nabbed.