Mumbai: The benchmark BSE Sensex opened at 80,343.38, while the NSE Nifty opened at 24,444.95. Both the benchmark Nifty and Sensex enters red in the pre-open session after slight optimism. The Nifty is currently at 24,433.50, a 0.19% or 45.55 point drop and the Sensex is at 80,357.61, a 0.09% or 71.43 point drop.
ITC Ltd, Titan Company Ltd, and Tata Motors Ltd gain the most early on in the trading session. ITC is at ₹507.70, a 3.18 % gain. Titan is at ₹3540.10, a 2.07 % gain, and Tata Motors is at ₹1020.50, a 1.91 % gain.
Hindustan Unilever Ltd, Nestle India ltd, and Bajaj Finance ltd lost the most in the early trading session. HUL is at 2681.85, a 3.06% drop. Nestle is at ₹2524.40, a 2.17 % drop, and Bajaj Finance is at ₹6601.70, a 1.94% drop.
Adani Green Energy Ltd shares are trading at ₹1734.65, a 0.98% gain on the BSE after it operationalises the 250 MW wind energy project at Khavda, Kutchh, Gujarat.