Cuttack: Following the passing away of veteran Ollywood actor Mihir Das, his mortal remains have been kept at his residence at Sector-8 in Cuttack for paying last respect. His body will be taken to his paternal house at Nuagada in a procession and then will be brought to Satichaura cremation ground.
As per the orders of the State government, the mortal remains of the actor will be consigned to flames with full state honours and will be given a guard of honour before the cremation, Cuttack District Collector, Bhabani Shankar Chayani had informed on Tuesday.
People from all walks of life gathered at Das’ residence to pay their last tribute to the veteran actor.
The 63-year-old actor was suffering from kidney ailments for the past few years. Around a month ago he was admitted to a private hospital in Cuttack where he was on ventilator support and was undergoing dialysis. However, he died yesterday afternoon.